Increasing for shoulders are done, now work increases for sleeve cup on every other round, on sleeve side of markers. Hereafter markers will be named as sleeve markers. INCREASE FOR SLEEVE CUP 1st round: *Work pattern to sleeve marker, slip marker, M1R, k to marker, M1L, slip marker*, repeat from * to * once, work pattern to end of round. 2nd round : *Work all sts stichwise to end of round. Repeat 1st and 2nd round once more. 5th round: *Work pattern to sleeve marker, slip marker, M1LP, knit to marker, M1RP, slip marker*, repeat from * to * once, work pattern to end of round. 6th round: Repeat 2nd round. 7th round: *Work pattern to sleeve marker, slip marker, Pf&b, work pattern to last st before marker, Pf&b, slip marker*, repeat from * to * once, work pattern to end of round. 8th round: Repeat 2nd round. Repeat 7th and 8th round once more. 11th round: *Work pattern to sleeve marker, slip marker, M1R, work pattern to marker, M1L, slip marker*, repeat from * to * once, work pattern to end of round. 12th round: Repeat 2nd round. Repeat 11th and 12th round twice more. 17th round: *Work pattern to sleeve marker, slip marker, M1LP, work pattern to marker, M1RP, slip marker*, repeat from * to * once, work pattern to end of round. 18th round: Repeat 2nd round. 19th round: Repeat 7th round. 20th round: Repeat 2nd round. Continue in pattern as established and increases on every other round, work increases on sleeve side of mark- ers, as follows: Increased st is to be a knit st: Work M1R after marker and M1L before marker. Increased st is to be a purl st placed between 2 knit sts: Work M1LP after marker and M1RP before marker. Increased st is to be a purl st placed before or after an excisting purl st: Work to the purl st, work Pf&b. Continue like described until a total of 14 (19) 19 sleeve increases has been made, and there is a total of 32 (42) 42 sts on each sleeve. Last round is without increases. Now work sleeve increases as established, AT SAME TIME work 5 (6) 6 raglan increases on body, as follows: 5
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